Share news about where you are and what you are doing now.
"Before" and "after" photos are encouraged.
(Excerpts from postings may be used in a PowerPoint presentation during the Celebration Open Hours or in the post-convention newsletter. Please let me - Suzan Stamper at - know if I do not have your permission to share postings.)
Past Chairs/Convention
1983 Toronto – founding meeting
1984 Houston - David Sanders
1985 New York – Vance Stevens
1986 Anaheim – Roger Kenner
1987 Miami Beach - Macey Taylor
1988 Chicago - Peter Lee
1989 San Antonio - Katherine (Muhlhausen) McIntyre
1990 San Francisco - Gerald Dalgish
1991 New York - Claire Bradin Siskin
1992 Vancouver - Deborah Healey
1993 Atlanta - Doug Coleman
1994 Baltimore - Marianne Phinney
1995 Long Beach - Elizabeth Hanson-Smith
1996 Chicago - Susan Dever
1997 Orlando - Jeff Magoto
1998 Seattle - Carolyn Heacock
1999 New York - Ron Corio
2000 Vancouver - Leslie Opp-Beckman
2001 St. Louis - Tom Robb
2002 Salt Lake City - Colin Sachs + Tom Robb
2003 Baltimore - Suzan (Moody) Stamper
2004 Long Beach - Greg Kessler
2005 San Antonio - Susanne McLaughlin
2006 Tampa Bay - Susan Gaer
2007 Seattle - Steven Sharp
2008 New York - John Madden
2009 Denver - Sandy Wagner
2010 Boston – Christine Bauer-Ramazani