Share news about where you are and what you are doing now.

"Before" and "after" photos are encouraged.

(Excerpts from postings may be used in a PowerPoint presentation during the Celebration Open Hours or in the post-convention newsletter. Please let me - Suzan Stamper at - know if I do not have your permission to share postings.)

Past Chairs/Convention
1983 Toronto – founding meeting
1984 Houston - David Sanders
1985 New York – Vance Stevens
1986 Anaheim – Roger Kenner
1987 Miami Beach - Macey Taylor
1988 Chicago - Peter Lee
1989 San Antonio - Katherine (Muhlhausen) McIntyre
1990 San Francisco - Gerald Dalgish
1991 New York - Claire Bradin Siskin
1992 Vancouver - Deborah Healey
1993 Atlanta - Doug Coleman
1994 Baltimore - Marianne Phinney
1995 Long Beach - Elizabeth Hanson-Smith
1996 Chicago - Susan Dever
1997 Orlando - Jeff Magoto
1998 Seattle - Carolyn Heacock
1999 New York - Ron Corio
2000 Vancouver - Leslie Opp-Beckman
2001 St. Louis - Tom Robb
2002 Salt Lake City - Colin Sachs + Tom Robb
2003 Baltimore - Suzan (Moody) Stamper
2004 Long Beach - Greg Kessler
2005 San Antonio - Susanne McLaughlin
2006 Tampa Bay - Susan Gaer
2007 Seattle - Steven Sharp
2008 New York - John Madden
2009 Denver - Sandy Wagner
2010 Boston – Christine Bauer-Ramazani

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When I was Chair in 2003, I was teaching at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. I was there for eight years in the English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) and Independent Learning Centre (ILC).

In 2005, I moved back to my home state of Indiana to teach in the English for Academic Purposes program at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI).
I am still trying to retire! Finished two books on CALL last year, one with Joy Egbert (CALL Environments, 2nd ed.) and the other with Sarah Rilling (Learning Languages through Technology, both published by TESOL). Just got back from a long trip to South America, the Falklands (Malivinas), Antarctica, and Easter Island--cut short a little by my husband's illness, but am still intending to get to TESOL Denver. We're currently in Florida, waiting out the cold weather in Sacramento, but will be home soon.
I am still at Santa Ana College School of Continuing Education. However, now I am teaching in the Basic Skills lab and coordinating technology.
I am still in Montreal. Having taken early retirement from Concordia University, I now work for myself as a consultant, trainer and materials developer for Learning Management Systems. Currently I am consulting on the use of the open-source LMS Moodle.
I'm (still) at the University of Toledo, teaching graduate courses in our ESL master's program as well as undergraduate linguistics courses. I am admin. for my department's Moodle and admin/editor of its Wordpress-based electronic newsletter, among other things (my faculty home page is also a Wordpress site, for example). My interest in 3D has expanded beyond virtual worlds to the use of computer-generated images in materials that are not strictly CALL. I have maintained an interest in the use of virtual worlds, however (and I'm now more convinced than ever that they can provide the kind of input students really need: a realistic environment with the advantages of a naturalistic one; but unlike a completely naturalistic environment, virtual worlds can provide a setting which can be structured to maximize learning). Since my recent attendance at TESOL has been spotty (I blame institutional travel support, of course), I'm glad to see this venue created for catching up and staying in touch.
University of Washington as a Financial Data Analyst after having left Washington State University and with two other jobs in between (one with Plymouth Housing Group running a grant funded program for teaching computer skills to formerly homeless individuals, and the other with Pacific Technologies, Inc, as an IT Management Consultant).
Hi all! I'm still in Fort Collins, Colorado. With two partners, I own Global Collaboration Partners. We develop web-based courses for workplace training.

I had a GREAT time working in the CALL-IS through the 90s and the start of the new century! Got an excellent start in instructional technology through direct and indirect mentoring from all y'all geeks. And had tons of fun.

I'm plotting to sneak into the Electronic Village without registering for the Denver convention in a couple weeks... I'll be the guy in the ninja suit!
Hello All. Thanks Suzan for putting this together. I look forward to catching up on the many wonderful CALL people I met at TESOL.

After the 1999 convention in New York City I returned to Richmond, Virginia and teaching at Virginia Commonwealth University. I am still teaching there and my regular schedule includes three classes: reading, writing, and listening. Blackboard is the technology that I most use.

In 2006-07 I taught English for one year at Fudan University, a partner university with VCU, in Shanghai. That experience was made wonderful by the students, whose English language skills are very good, the excitement of the city, and the food.

When not working I enjoy cycling and the cinema.
I continue teaching to immigrants and refugees at Green River Community College in Auburn, WA. My classes are the Level 6 and, of course, the tech class. I've had great fun experimenting with wikis and distance ed flex course options in the past year. It won't be possible to make Denver due to state budget woes, but I hope to be in Boston, my hometown, next year.
HI everyone - nice to see you all. I've been at the University of Kansas since 1993, but with a couple of leaves - one back to Saudi and one to the UAE. Up until 2004 I was involved with our program computer lab at the Applied English Center (that's where Suzan got sucked into the world of electrons). For the past year and a half or so I've been an associate director at the Applied English Center at KU - with responsibilities in student recruiting, accreditation, and sponsored student advising. I try to keep up digitally-speaking, but not enough hours in a day. I look forward to seeing many of you in Denver, and then in Boston!
Very delightfully retired from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee since 2005. Now devoted to Renewable Energy, making Autoharp music (see photo), recumbent bike touring, and still a little computer mentoring.
I'm right here (waves! I haven't gone anywhere ;-)

More definitively you can find me here:
or here:

In real life I teach computing at the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi but in virtual life I'm most proud of my role in founding Webheads in Action:

I was technically the first officially appointed chair of CALL-IS, but that's because the original organizer, Dave Sanders, did not shepherd what he had started through the TESOL labyrinth of procedures for interest section approval, which seemed at the time to be designed so that existing interest sections could retain for themselves their consistent portion of a limited pie. There's more about this here:

Incidentally I just came across Michael Carrier the other day, here:



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